Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Embracing My Multipotentiality for 2018

I'm into my first year fully embracing my "multipotentiality" a la Emilie Wapnick's TEDx talk, Why Some of Us Don't Have One True Calling.

So that means I'm staying freely busy on multiple projects:

-Text Coding the New Testament of the Bible for communications relevant to Jonathan Haidt's "moral foundations"; i.e. Care/Harm, Loyalty/Betrayal, Fairness/Cheating, Authority/Subversion, Sanctity/Degradation and Liberty/Oppression.

- Keeping up with my personal yoga exercising three times a week.

-Sewing monthly basket liners and preparing cookie samples and recipes for the five people/families I gave baskets to this past Christmas (with any left-over cookies going to my co-workers).

- Taking care of my cat and all the other critters in the neighborhood - birds, squirrels, chipmunks, ground hogs, raccoons, deer, etc., while also continuing to broaden my knowledge of primitive skills and wild edibles and sharing those skills whenever possible via Longhunter and other local events.

- Taking care of my aging father.

- Working at Lowe's part-time in the flooring department.

-Meeting regularly with friends (many of them professors/instructors at Campbellsville University) for weekly breakfast meetings, monthly book club meetings, weekly walks on Saturday mornings, monthly panel discussions, etc., as well as continuing to volunteer for The Friends of Green River Lake.

- Broadening my influence as a "medium-sized fish" in this relatively "small pond" of Campbellsville, KY. There's some background to understanding the import of that, which may show up in another blog post one of these days!

Without the pressure I used feel to try to focus on Only One of the above things, I seem to have freed up even more of my energy and attention to continue to do All of them! Very grateful to Emilie Wapnick for bringing that paradigm shift into my consciousness! Maybe it will help some other "multipotentialites" out there, too, so...spread the word!


Here's to Great Year ahead!